A downloadable tool

In the hopes of a Mario Maker 3 announcement, this tool started as a personal project to handle locally the level code management for my Twitch streams, as didn't want to use the available online tools that require an account an so.

I decided to let it free in the state it is until the next Mario Maker is confirmed to further improve the tool, as I got a little bit burned about adding new stuff.

There is a little intro just to explain a bit what is about, but will only run once.


The tool is available in Spanish, Basque, English and Japanese. I used IA to translate to Japanese, so it may be saying meaningless things. Sorry for that.

-What does this tool do-

Connect you Twitch account to the app so your chat can interact with the queue manager.

The app will write to chat in your name to give feedback to the users.

The permission granted only works for a few hours but will keep working as long as the connection doesn't break. Nothing is stored about the permission or your account, so if you disconnect or close the tool, you will have to grant the permission again.

The usual known commands to use by chat:

  • !add XXX-XXX-XXX
  • !remove XXX-XXX-XXX
  • !remove (Without code, removes the last level added by that user)
  • !position XXX-XXX-XXX
  • !position (Will give the position of the first level added by that user)
  • !list

*Remember to open the Queue for the commands to work*

The Tool itself has two windows. The first one is a transparent layer for the stream.

I will show a timer, the level code, the queue status and a notification for each time a user adds, removes or changes a level code. You can disable these in the settings tab.

The second one is the control panel, where all the magic happens.

The START TAB has the buttons to connect to Twitch and to open the Queue. You can also find the languages buttons to change the tools language. Your messages in chat will also be translated to that language. Remember to save the language setting if you changed it.

The QUEUE TAB will gather all the level codes that your chat has sent you or that you imported from the IMPORT TAB. The first level in the queue will be the next to play. You can choose to push a random level to the top if you want, or select a particular one to cut the line. Once you select to play a game, that becomes the current level you will be playing. Press the PLAY button to start counting how much time will take you to beat it. You can pause if you want a piss break.

Choose to mark the level complete, skip it, or return it to the queue again by leaving it.

Each level can have some metadata downloaded using the TheGreatRambler's API if enabled. With that, you will see the level name, like%, completion rates, the theme and the difficulty. With the magnifiying glass button next to the title, you can go to the Wizulus's SMM2 Viewer. Use the copy button next to the level code to copy it to your clipboard.

Is possible to have a creator profile and a deleted or made up level codes that pass the filter. You can remove those if you want. That's up to you.

If the TheGreatRambler's API is down, or you choose to disable the integration during a period of time, you will have available a synchronization button to retry the download.

The COMPLETED, SKIPPED and MAKERS TAB will have those levels that you completed, skipped or makers account that you completed. You can choose to play them again. The Skipped ones will be removed from that list in that case, so you can work to clear it.

You will be able to see when you completed the level and copy all the level codes of that day. This was with the intention to help create a list of played levels for the description videos on Youtube that some people do.

The IMPORT TAB will let you import all the levels you want by just pasting them there. The level data will not be downloaded this way so we don't overwork the TheGreatRambler's API. Use this tab if you don't want to use the tool for streaming and just want something to get a collection of level codes.

The SETTINGS TAB will allow you to customize the behavior of the tool. I will let you discover that each option does. Remembers to save for the next time.

The LOG TAB was something I intended to do so there was a place I could see what's happening with the tool. Is not finished. You can ignore it.

The CREDITS TAB has the URL of the material I gathered to make the tool. Big thanks to all of them.


All the levels you add will be saved, so the completed, skipped and makers.

Published 2 days ago
Tagslevel-code, mario-maker, Streaming, tool, twitch


MMQueueManager.zip 77 MB