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I really liked your notes on what you did how and why. Always interesting to see developer notes.

At first, I thought the notebook would show me how to make spells. Then it took a bit for me to figure out the alchemy menu.

Trying to craft new spells and discovering new ingredients is a really fun game mechanic.

When I met the rocky shield enemy, I first thought you have to find a specific spell to overcome the shield because there was no visual effect of doing damage to it.

The boss fight would probably be a bit too difficult if death was not disabled because I got stuck multiple times between the four shadowy enemies in the middle.

A Fullscreen mode would be nice. FYI, has an option to show a Fullscreen button, but you might need to adjust some export settings for scaling.

Congratulations on publishing your fourth game!

You seem to be the only person using godot that has their web build working!

(1 edit)

Nuh uh

The Godot builds not working is due to random Game Jam Submission feature, opening the game in its own tab fixes the issue. that said I don't know why this game is unaffected by it.

I didn't do anything special to export it, the only thing I can think of, is that I did the game in 4.3 that is still cooking.

4.3 is probably why it works, any web exports from 4.2 require SharedArrayBuffer to be enabled in glad to know it's not needed for 4.3

the glitch happening with 4.2 projects, is when using the Game Jams Random Submission Feature, SharedArrayBuffer doesn't work, which makes any web build error upon loading. its easily fixed by opening the project without using the Random Submission Feature, but many people don't know that yet.